+31 (0) 651879234 info@clearyourhead.nl

Getting started & information

Welcome to the psychology and coaching practice of Susan der Kinderen. I have been providing therapy (counselling) and coaching individuals and groups for more than ten years. Please make use of the information on this website to read more about my professional background, experience and vision, as well as to stimulate you to take the first step to getting what you need. Don’t hesitate to contact me for a free telephonic intake or if you have questions. I work in English and Dutch.

Attention energizes
Intention transforms

What to expect?

Intake & Clarification

I always suggest starting with a thorough intake. This usually takes 1,5 hours after which we can see if there’s a “click” for a working relationship and I can give an idea of how I think we can best work together. The first 1-2 sessions focus on goal clarification and the formulation of the way forward.


I usually work with sessions of 1-1,5 hours which take place every 2 weeks (frequency would depend on urgency and stage of the process). In this phase you can expect homework assignments (writing or experiments). After 3-5 sessions we would typically evaluate progress and make a new assessment on remaining sessions and expectations.


Sometimes the sessions are confined by time or financial constraints, other times we reach a point where we’re ready to stop. This is often an important consideration – time to move from “consciously competent” to “unconsciously competent”. We conclude our sessions with a wrap-up of learnings and sometimes a plan to take with us for the period ahead. In the case of your employer being involved we can also conclude with a session with your manager to get the necessary support in putting your plan into action.

To begin by always thinking of love as an action rather than a feeling is one way
in which anyone using the word in this manner automatically assumes accountability and responsibility..

– Bell Hooks

Expectations & More Information

To get the most from the sessions I would need you to be committed to the process and to do the necessary preparation and homework. The more open and honest you are, the quicker we are able to achieve your goals. Some good questions to prepare for a session:

  • What would I like to have answered by the time I leave today?
  • What’s changed since the previous time we met?
  • What shift am I the most proud of?
  • If I could work on one thing today what would it be?

Although my practice seeks to address personally significant issues, and is insured in this regard, neither it nor I can be held legally accountable for acute psychiatric or health emergencies and their consequences.  These would be better managed by medical personnel. In such cases, your first contact should be your GP or other appropriate emergency services.

Sessions are strictly confidential and will not, without your permission, be disclosed in any way to third parties unless in exceptional circumstances (e.g. where the health and safety of others would be at serious risk). Should your employer be involved (e.g. in coaching) you will be explicitly informed of the content of feedback and it will only take place with your permission.

I invoice monthly directly to my client. It is unlikely that your insurance covers this kind of support and it remains your responsibility to check this should you need the financial cover. Sessions cancelled less than 24 hours in advance will be charged at the hourly rate.

For more detailed terms & conditions please contact me

You get my complete attention, a listening ear and a safe environment for change; the use of professional tools and experience to help you take the necessary steps.

I am a registered psychologist with the Dutch psychological association (NIP) in the register “Arbeid & Organisatie”. As such I adhere to their professional conduct requirements. http://www.psynip.nl/beroepsethiek/de-beroepscode/de-beroepscode.html

I am also registered as a coach with stichting ST!R http://www.stir.nu

I believe strongly in ongoing professional development and besides making use of supervision and group supervision, I invest annually in courses and making time to read professional literature.

S der Kinderen CV


The original reason I contacted Sue was because I believed I needed some coaching.  I wasn’t focussing in my work and felt that I was on the verge of a burn out. Sue helped me enter the Dutch medical system to enable me to get the specialist help that I also needed whilst also encouraging me to trust people and talk about my issues.  Sue has a very personal approach which I really appreciated
